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In Sweden we've had this since 2010 or 2011 I think. Not as in: "You go to an online store, add milk and eggs to the shopping cart and get it delivered".

The way most of these online stores do it in Sweden is that they have different types of "bags" you subscribe to. Each week you'll get a bag of the stuff you'd need for five meals. With that bag, you'll get recipies for food they think you should cook with the groceries.

This was (might still be, I have no idéa tbh) widely popular in Sweden.

One of the most popular is Linas matkasse and a (bad-ish) google translate is available here: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&pr...


This developed to others opening up business. I know of a guy who started a night-shop-delivery kind of thing. Basically, when all the stores are closed, you could go to his site and order stuff (milk, candy, condoms, tampons or other things someone could need at night) and he'd deliver it to you (in Stockholm).

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