Thanks for the post. One thing, I wanted to test this in chrome and I realized your examples are all based on a larger Playground with a test HTML doc.
Maybe one self-contained example w/ a new function you can copy/paste into the console to play around with would be cool.
I was mostly using it as a test to see if it worked in Chrome so I could start using it.
That's a good idea. I'll have a think about a JS only example, although the reference pages have some, they log results to the console and so I thought some HTML might be interesting to see.
Maybe it's interesting for you: the method pages have compat data at the bottom so you can see what's supported and in which browser release.
According to the Mozilla docs, O(n) lookups would actually violate the spec [0]. As a sibling comment says, a tree set is one option to satisfy the spec. Another is a linked hash set, which would have O(1) lookups [1].
It is usually implemented by a linked list + hash set (Java call this, drumroll... LinkedHashSet).
Because we are not adding elements in the middle of the list, only the end (we only care about insertion order), `add` is still O(1). `has` searches on the HashSet so it is also O(1). Delete is a bit more complex, you need to keep the list node reference on the set node, and then just splice it from the list. So O(1) as well
Of course this takes a lot more memory, but I think it usually pays off to have consistent ordering for sets, undefined/non-deterministic behavior is a virus and it spreads very quickly
The problem is you can put anything in array and JS can't really check that "everything here is a number", so it uses string as a common type because everything can be converted to string.
we need proper typed arrays, like Int8/16/32Array but with any class, not just int. The class itself will then define how to compare instances (python's __gt__ and so on).
It would be cool if an array of numbers was sorted by numeric value by default, instead of the values being sorted alphanumerically, yes, that’s a gotcha.
Yup. I always use Set and Map over objects. They just contain way fewer surprises and the APIs actually work as you would expect. I only use Objects for "struct" like objects with a known set of keys that are used by name. It is also nice because it conveys more intent to the reader.
You can use objects and other things as keys for a Set or Map. As far as I know you can't do that for objects.
const s = new Set();
const a = {}, b = {};
s.has(a); // true
s.has(b); // false
const o = {};
o[a] = true;
o[a]; // true
o[b]; // true, cause its cast to a string like "[object Object]"
I've also seen Map perform faster than using an object as a Map.
Beware of a gotcha here: object keys are tested for strict equality and not deep equality, in other words add/get must use the same object instance and not just an object with the same keys/values
It's a pretty straightforward way to do things like avoiding duplicates or checking if an item is part of a collection without using quadratic loops or string-keyed dictionary objects.
It's O(1) for the latter (edit: I stand corrected, but probably close, as per spec).
Conversion to and from arrays even preserves order.
So I don't see these two use cases as "showing off", why should anybody do that?
I have only used JS sets in interviews to avoid duplication - more than once, the interviewer has chuckled appreciatively and directed me to not use them (being too easy)
That would be a red flag for me in most cases, as the person being interviewed. If the interview is to gauge my knowledge of Javascript, then using sets should be in my favor since I'm using the most optimized approach to demonstrate I know the language well and can adequately do the job. If it's "not acceptable", then what is the goal there? To wrack my brain as part of some pseudo intelligence test? Shall we break it down to 1s and 0s too?
It can be a point in your favour but also something that you are asked to avoid. You both showed good knowledge and default choices and showed that you can implement a simple algorithm from scratch. Both are valuable points about your skills.
The main "result" of the interview shouldn't just be "does the code work". The process is far, far more important for understanding how you write code.
I've used them occasionally to clarify the semantics of collections; I like being able to express that some collection of values is unordered and has only unique elements.