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Google Coders Need To Go On An HTML Diet (geekypeek.com)
62 points by nano81 on June 29, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 41 comments

It's worth noting that those 400 lines are not what's sent over the wire. Generally, you'll send something like this as a little snippet of JSON then tear it apart on the client and construct whatever HTML you need to render it nicely.

I suspect the author had a look in Firebug and came to the wrong conclusion.

So no, it's not bloat. It's just presentation.

Just because it's only presentation doesn't mean it's not bloat. Assuming this is a rendered JSON object that's still a ton of extra HTML elements and CSS to render/instantiate than should be necessary to produce the same effect and while that might not be noticeable on your top-end MBP with safari for a lot of devices it does.

It's also just poor craftmanship, I think that's what really bugs me.

It would be bloat if, as the author irresponsibly implies, all it did was display the basic data of a single text message. In the case of that single instance for the author it may do that (I didn't care to look that closely), but it provides for much more to be possibly displayed, and much of that presentation can provide extra information to a viewer (or a machine for that matter). Also with modern javascript and html engine optimization, its not out of the realm of possibility that generating all of this every time is faster than only generating exactly what is required for each message.

> So no, it's not bloat. It's just presentation.

The overly complex and messy generation of crappy HTML is bloat.

when you work on something significantly more complicated than a run of the mill django/rails type website, you quickly find out that a lot of the "bad practices" you taught yourself out of, can actually be actually completely necessary

inline styles and javascript are really really fast, innerhtml can be a lot faster than dom methods, doing everything with fancy css selectors is a good way to completely kill a page and destroying your markup by adding html over the place and id='' attribute on everything, can actually be the right thing to do.

I noticed that when I first started thinking about the Css v tables debate. Google uses a fair number of tables for layout in its designs. Noodle around on Google's site with the web developer toolbar and Outline->Tables->Table Cells. If you're a CSS purist, you'll be horrified. Google's front page makes prominent use of a table for layout. The autosuggest drop down is also a table. Gmail: tables all the time.

Actually. ;)

  #include <stdio.h>

  int main()
    printf("Hello World!");
    return 0;

    .ascii "Hello World!\0"
  .globl _main
    pushl   %ebp
    movl    %esp, %ebp
    pushl   %ebx
    subl    $20, %esp
    call    L3
    popl    %ebx
    leal    LC0-"L00000000001$pb"(%ebx), %eax
    movl    %eax, (%esp)
    call    L_printf$stub
    movl    $0, %eax
    addl    $20, %esp
    popl    %ebx
    .section __IMPORT,__jump_table,symbol_stubs,
    .indirect_symbol _printf
    hlt ; hlt ; hlt ; hlt ; hlt
Look at all that bloat! I just want to write out "Hello World" to the screen. Why do I need to create a function stack of 20 whole bytes? What a waste! And when I do that, I have to go through the onerous effort of saving my stack pointer to a whole 'nother register. What a waste of my system resources.

It's bad enough I have to call printf in the first place when I really could just use the write system call, but look how it doesn't even call printf right away! First I have to call some locally defined function which has to allocate even more space for another stack. More waste and bloat. And look at how all of this is organized, these sections are completely unnecessary. I just want to write out something to the screen! I don't need this level of organization and abstraction to do this simple task.

Who cares, if it works? I don't personally consider HTML and CSS either elegant or efficient, so if they've abstracted over it in order to do things, and it works, what's the big deal? HTML by hand seems mostly like a waste of time, to me. Most of the impressive web apps don't do much markup and styling by hand. Cappuccino/Objective-J is an extreme (and good) example of this.

Well personally I care about good craft and elegance. These are subjective to be sure.

But I'm immediately suspicious of the statement "who cares if it works?". As if any old rubbish will do. I have a pact with myself; I'll stop working with the web if I ever gain that attitude. Nothing more depressing than a tradesman that doesn't respect his tools.

The question should be: "Will it make a difference that degrades user experience".

If no user ever notices, who cares?

Most programmers don't use assembly language. Their code is full of redundancy and inefficient bloat. But it's a trade off, and most people don't really mind too much.

To many, HTML/CSS is machine code. Some love hand crafting it, some leave it to automated 'compilers' to create it, and just like all compilers, that means you often end up with inefficient mess.

Compiled code is only as good as the compiler. This is why I favor the side of hand-crafted CSS.

The biggest problem with the code example listed FtA on Geeky Peek is that it showcases HTML tables, which are what tend make HTML most inefficient. CSS and JavaScript can both solve the "table" problem that HTML has been plagued with.

HTML5 and CSS3 both are moving away from this deprecated "table-oriented" formatting, fwiw.

Table-less CSS (e.g. CSS3 specs) cut down on the amount of HTML generation and can basically cut out the bloat. Problem is it takes an artist to write good CSS.

Since "most programmers don't use assembly language" (I don't actually know if this is true; have no reference to cite; am just quoting axod here), it would seem analogous to hundreds of tiny band-aids where one large bandage is needed.

>> " which are what tend make HTML most inefficient."

Can you cite some numbers here. Browsers are hugely optimized for displaying tables. They have tables down to a fine art.

Do some benchmarks of a table layout vs CSS. In the rare instance where you can actually achieve the layout using CSS, I'd expect it to run slower.

I'm not saying tables are great, use tons of them, but they have their place, and browsers are really good at coping with them.

Can you cite some numbers here. Browsers are hugely optimized for displaying tables. They have tables down to a fine art.

I'm completely unqualified to be talking about this, so only to a certain extent do I even feel like I should answer this: I have simple and mere examples of what works on production sites I've prodded and nudged into working.

If talking numbers / citations is the solution:


No tables, pure CSS (design) working w/ PHP (calculating as per SASS/HAML). Not even any JavaScript. Site runs really fast. Even checked on YSlow, it runs quicker than most tabled sites doing the same thing.

I don't have a CS background; everything I've learned has been self-taught. I consider myself more of a CSS "artist" than a real "programmer". So YC News hates me 95 percent of the time, as I've had a hard time melding with the "set-in-stone" terminology people here like to downmod for. However, I do know, intuitively, why and how certain things work why and how they work. Most of the time, I simply prefer the large bandage to the 1000+ small band-aids on browsers. Can work both ways. :)

HTML/CSS as machine code is a horribly flawed metaphor. Machine code is at the "absolutely no abstractions" level; it's what the computer executes. HTML/CSS, on the other hand, are massively abstracted declarative languages. It describes the data you want to display, and some basic style information. Java -> HTML/CSS/JavaScript is actually compiling up in many, if not most, cases.

It's not about how exact it is rather how portable it is. HTML/CSS is NOT portable across all browsers so it's a bad level to work at.

HTML/CSS is portable across all browsers, but you aren't guaranteed absolute control over the final rendering. This is by design, and there are a lot of good reasons for it. Most of these abstraction layers sacrifice all of that so you can get more control on the 2 or 3 supported browsers instead of the giant universe of alternate user agents.

CSS is not supported by all browsers.

If you use HTML 1.0 you can render something on most (but not all) browsers. EX: text only browsers will not show you imgs. And yes, these are still in use by the blind community.

The visible spectrum of web tools suck. HTML and CSS are awkward. The web itself is an incredible, beautiful thing – but some of the technologies are seriously flawed and drafted by people with the wrong ideas.

If I was a cabinet maker and all I had to work with was sawdust, you'd sure as hell bet I'd invent a machine to compact it into something I could build solid structures out of. I wouldn't consider gluing pieces of sawdust together by hand to be any sort of meaningful craft.


At least we got a sweet T-shirt and mug out of it.

I'm the author, this is definitely sent over the wire as I'm building code that is scraping it right now (which I'll opensource soon). Since I deal in the mobile world, its especially critical to keep bloat minimal so people don't pay data charges for your poor coding. I hate fatty, fat code.

None of the class names used are GWT class names, so I doubt it. It'll be the output of an internal template engine. Interestingly, AFAIK, most of Google is not written in GWT -- anyone know any production Google stuff that is? (I think Wave is.)

Wave is indeed developed in GWT, and the Adwords management interface was rewritten in GWT in the recent years (as mason55 mentioned). They talked a lot about it during Google I/O 2009 (the session videos are still available online: http://code.google.com/intl/fr/events/io/2009/sessions.html#... ).

While not a "web app", SpeedTracer ( http://code.google.com/intl/fr/webtoolkit/speedtracer/ ) was also made using GWT.

What's interesting, is that with the Adwords UI, Google started using GWT on an enterprise app, and thought about ways of writing such an app. This project lead them to introduce many best practices for large GWT enterprise apps:

- MVP (Model View Presenter) and testable UIs: MVP is good for SoC, but it's also very important if you want to unit test your UI logic in pure java (which is a lot faster than GWTTestCases)

- EventBus

- Command Pattern

- UIBinder (declarative UI in XML)

Ray Ryan's talk ( http://code.google.com/intl/fr/events/io/2009/sessions/Googl... ) at Google I/O 2009 created a lot of interest around these concepts, and many GWT developers around the world started discussing / following them.

Google I/O 2010's sessions also have a lot of talks about these subjects, and while the best way of writing GWT apps is not yet known, we are getting there.

The ads stuff is done in GWT (meaning managing campaigns, stuff like that). Gmail definitely is not GWT.

GMail is.

I'm pretty sure that it is not GWT since:

1. It was released several years before GWT.

2. It has no GWT CSS class names on anything.

3. It does have some weird IFRAME structures that are unlike what GWT uses.

4. It doesn't have any of the long hexadecimal identifier files that GWT uses to compile to different targets.

5. On the wire, it doesn't look at all like GWT AJAX requests.

6. Isaac Truett <itru...@gmail.com> says it isn't at http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit/browse_thr... This was in 2007, but I don't believe they threw away a working product to do a rewrite in GWT, which was still not fully mature and is still hard to get just right. And if they did, they'd also have had to make it look like it is not written in that framework in every way I can think to check easily.

(EDIT) 7. Since nothing significant is written in GWT, they'd be trumpeting it from the rooftops if GMail was.

"Currently, the Gmail program is comprised of 443,000 lines of JavaScript, with 978,000 lines if comments are included. All of it was written by hand, he said." http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9178558/Google_to_use...

edit: "currently" with that article being published June 25, 2010

I believe you are mistaken. Gmail came out much earlier than GWT.

Gmail is not.

While I agree this example is pretty ridiculous, Google is spending a lot more time innovating in web performance than most

Yes. Moreover, web performance was one of Google's differentiating features right from the beginning. Arguably the most important, in fact.

I would have said that their key differentiating feature was that they were much better at actually finding relevant stuff than the competitors.

I don't think many people stopped using AltaVista because it was too slow.

I don't think many people stopped using AltaVista because it was too slow.

That's exactly why I stopped using AltaVista. I never noticed Google's search results being more relevant. I distinctly remember this because I was aware of the hype around relevancy at the time and was trying to notice a difference. What was magnificently different, though, was Google's subsecond page load and search response times.

One interesting thing about marketing is that the reason one gives for using a product is often rather disconnected from its real utility. (The book Positioning is about this.)

I don't think many people stopped using AltaVista because it was too slow.

Maybe. Personally I stopped using it when they started throwing pop-unders at me.

Or maybe it was because it jumped on to the whole "portal" craze and other SE's that were cleaner felt quite refreshing.

Given the choice between elegant high-level code that generates verbose and ugly HTML versus complicated and ugly high-level code that generates very tight HTML, I know which I'd choose.

Send the link to Steve Souders. (www.stevesouders.com)

If one will inspect a blip in the google wave, one cannot think how many Wikipedia's articles could those bytes feed.

I suspect it has allot to do with the GWT.

a .NET DataGrid or whatever it is called these days would looks just the same comparing to a simple HTML table structure.

I'd be curious to see how much bandwidth they save by cutting this down a hundred lines.

As jasonkester pointed out, the HTML is only sent out once and then dynamically updated with AJAX (or AJAJ, as the case may be). So in the grand scheme of things, those few hundred lines of HTML don't matter much.

Ahh, bloat at it's best. If we could understand machine code as easily, we'd probably see the same sort of thing at the core of a lot of software.

Don't show him Google Calendar.

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