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Working in Public is Hard (singlefounder.com)
1 point by AngeloAnolin on July 25, 2017 | past
How to identify the unquestioned assumptions of an entrepreneur (singlefounder.com)
1 point by mtaber on Aug 25, 2015 | past
Your corporate software career will make you a bad entrepreneur (singlefounder.com)
9 points by proteinfold on May 22, 2015 | past
Losers Have Goals, Winners Have Systems (singlefounder.com)
2 points by davidw on Feb 5, 2014 | past
Amateurs Study Tactics. Professionals Study Logistics. (singlefounder.com)
2 points by geekfactor on Jan 17, 2013 | past
Arbitrary Choices and Forward Momentum (singlefounder.com)
1 point by joshuacc on June 20, 2011 | past
Taking on Goliath (singlefounder.com)
1 point by photom on May 24, 2011 | past
The Widescreen Laptop Conspiracy (singlefounder.com)
70 points by parenthesis on Jan 7, 2011 | past | 72 comments
How to Legally Steal From Your Customers (singlefounder.com)
3 points by photom on Dec 16, 2010 | past
Troubleshoot Your Problems by Going Back to Basics (singlefounder.com)
1 point by photom on Nov 11, 2010 | past
You Get out of my Industry (singlefounder.com)
21 points by photom on Nov 9, 2010 | past | 25 comments
Firefox is the new Internet Explorer (singlefounder.com)
2 points by photom on Nov 3, 2010 | past
The Single Most Important Secret to Success (singlefounder.com)
40 points by avk on Sept 11, 2010 | past | 12 comments
Lessons You Could Learn From (Good) Professional Consultants (singlefounder.com)
1 point by bhousel on April 23, 2010 | past
The Single, Most Important Secret to Success (singlefounder.com)
22 points by mtaber on March 16, 2010 | past | 5 comments
The Builder and the Salesman (singlefounder.com)
3 points by mtaber on March 9, 2010 | past
The Single Founder Myth (singlefounder.com)
42 points by bootload on Feb 23, 2010 | past | 20 comments
The Day the MicroISV Movement Died (singlefounder.com)
2 points by mtaber on Nov 19, 2009 | past | 1 comment
How to Make Developer Certifications That Matter (singlefounder.com)
1 point by mtaber on Nov 12, 2009 | past

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