You don’t need fixed base stations. Just infra on the train that rolls bassid based on location data the train already has. This would silently hook into native location services already on devices without additional sensing or models trained on other sensor data.
I wonder if it'll Just Work [eventually, given enough repetitions], or if the crowd-sourced network location algorithms will filter it because it is dynamic.
unless installed by the system operator, which is why they'd know the gps coordinates for them
I'd have to have missed the title of the post, not read the post itself, not read GP's comment, not thought about why there'd be a pressure change, to have missed that particular detail. I appreciate you trying to be helpful though. :)
Its been a while since I've been editing diagrams outside of a codebase; and today I hit this issue.
Thinking it was a small, transitory issue, it appears one of the most useful webapps has been getting the good old runaround from Google since March (
In a straight forwards repo with no README it created a reasonable starting point.
Yet in a more complex repo with an existing and comprehensive README, it decides to replace it completely with a simple one, removing key insights. I suspect the existing README isn't considered at all, making this kind of patch incompatible with most workflows (i.e. creating a README once isn't particularly onerous, keeping it up to date is).
This may be a project to watch, but I'm disinclined to use it at the moment.
Thanks for trying - and for the fair feedback! We'll look at the AutoFix result and improve it.
Our goal with the default patchflows is to provide a starting point/template and let you tailor it to your needs from there. E.g. with the 'Generate README' workflow, you can add the 'Read File' step to read the existing file and pass it to the context to update it rather than generate a new one from scratch.
Its more like a Rubick's cube - there is a trick to it. Getting a single tile to 2048 is fairly easy once you know it, and practically a guarantee once you've had a bit of practice.
The new powerups etc. are nice for removing a mistake, or for letting you get a score a little bit higher at the end game, but won't take you the distance unless you have good technique.
A big part of the magic is getting your head round it - like any other logic puzzle.
Unlike the Rubik's cube, I think you can get good enough at 2048 to usually get the 2048-tile based purely on intuition, though, without consciously memorizing anything. I've never looked up a strategy guide to the game and just playing purely by instinct (using heuristics I've randomly discovered myself), I can usually get there.
I was very amused this summer, hearing a company that I had worked at six years ago is switching from React to Angular. I had thought angular was dead.
It is indeed written as you say; I suspect - but cannot confirm - that the author meant:
> ... only a few people - professional software engineers - can "afford" ...
which would be the inverse.
However, there is a case for reading as it is written even if it subverts reading expectations, as many (most?) professional software engineers do use COTS systems to publish and only a few have their own sites generated from scratch.
I originally had a specific agenda - to get a perspective on a core project with moral considerations. In between booking and having the call the project was written off. I kept the call.
It gave me the option, as someone currently freelancing and consulting, to talk to someone in a different boat, going to a different place, on the same sea.
Impactfully he gave me some simple advice that I struggle with - paraphrased "act in the open / people will find you". I've spent a great deal of time since struggling with it - it is a loss of control when being perceived, and flies in the face of a lifetime of believing in internet anonynimity!
I'd appreciate ranked results in a tool like this.
My top ranked font contains a significant issue (0's that look like O's); it would be useful to be able to go through "next best" etc. in cases like these.